About Us

Guardian ad Litem Academy

Launched in 2018, the Guardian ad Litem Academy was designed with the long-term goal of making training more comprehensive and widely available in Florida. Standardized Pre-Service Training, Child Advocate Manager certification courses, as well as legal trainings provide an opportunity for consistent standards of operation, basic legal tenets and best practices for effective child advocacy. Our intent is for this platform to provide a convenient way for our Guardian ad Litem volunteers, staff and the community to access free, quality training at a time convenient with their schedules 24/7. Thank you for joining us!

What can you do to help improve your advocacy?

Click the arrow below to hear more!

  • Stay engaged in the material

  • Learn all you can

  • Help us shape the future of a child in need


about the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office?

Florida's Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office represents abused, abandoned, and neglected children in court and the community. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary team that always includes a Guardian ad Litem Attorney, child welfare professional, and hopefully a trained volunteer or pro bono attorney from the children's community, our team provides quality, legal representation while supporting a child's physical, educational, mental, emotional, social, and legal needs. Guardians ad Litem become people our most vulnerable children can trust, helping us be their voice. Learn more about how you can become involved!

Interested in becoming a Volunteer?

Today, you can learn how to volunteer with the Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office and start helping children in your community. Guardian ad Litem Volunteers are a part of our multidisciplinary team that represents children who have experienced abuse, abandonment and neglect. Our goal is to help children find their way to a safe, loving and permanent home.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Help! I can't remember my password.

    No worries - we can help! CLICK "SIGN IN" in the upper right hand corner and on the new screen that appears, click "Forgot Password?". Put in your email address used when creating your account and a link will be sent to you to reset your password so you can get back into the Academy.

  • How do I create an account?

    Click “Sign In” on the upper right hand side of the screen. Select “Create a new account” and complete the following fields: First Name / Last Name / County of residence / Email address / and New password. Follow the instructions saying you are not a robot then click “Sign up”.

  • I enrolled in a course but why won't it play?

    Could be one of two reasons -- your browser or cache. 1. The following browsers can be used: Desktop: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge Mobile: iOS Safari (versions 11 and up), Chrome, Samsung Internet Please note that unfortunately the Academy does not support Internet Explorer. 2. Clear your cache by going to your settings and clearing your browsing data (history, cookies, cache).