What if I lose the copy of my certificate?  Please see use the instructions below for more details:

Is there a cost for any of the courses in the Academy?  Absolutely not!  All of our courses are free. 

How do I create a new account?  To create a new account, go to  Click “Sign In” on the upper right hand side of the screen.  Select “Create a new account” and complete the following fields:  First Name / Last Name / County of residence / Email address / and New password.  Click “Sign up”

Help!  I forgot my password!!  Don't worry.  We can definitely help.  If you forgot your email password, go to “Sign In” and click Forgot Password”.  You will be prompted to type in your email address.  Directions will then be emailed to you to create your new password to login.  

I can’t get the site to launch.  It might be the browser you are using for your system.  All of the following browsers (except otherwise noted) are supported for the latest two versions:

  • Desktop:  Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge
  • Mobile:  Chrome, Samsung Internet, iOS Safari (versions 11 and up)
  • Try clearing your cache as this may help: Clear-Cache-and-Cookies

The training content will not load.  With the number of different browsers and different electronic devices available today you may sometimes experience difficulty with your course not loading properly. If this is the case, please use this troubleshooting guide whether you use Windows operating system or a Mac: 

Do you have any directions on how to navigate a course?  Sure!  Click below to watch a video on navigating a course as well as features of the I am for the child Academy!  


What is the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office?

What is involved in becoming a volunteer? It is an easy process! 

How do I apply to become a Guardian ad Litem Volunteer? 

Who is the contact for my local Guardian ad Litem Office? 

When I become a Guardian ad Litem Volunteer does this mean I become a Legal Guardian for a child?  

  • No.  These are two different roles.  A Legal Guardian is the person who has the right to make all the decisions concerning the child, and is legally responsible for the child.  A Guardian ad Litem has no legal responsibility for the child and therefore cannot make any decisions for the child.
  • For example, while a Guardian ad Litem may advocate for a specific medical treatment for a child, they cannot sign authorization to allow such treatment, but a Legal Guardian might be able to do so.

Click here to review other frequently asked questions about the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office.