Why Wasn't My Report Accepted?
This training provides a brief overview of the Child Welfare System and will help you understand how a report is accepted by the Florida Child Abuse Hotline.
Training: Why Wasn't My Report Accepted?
Dolores King presents on mandated reporting. This workshop is designed for professionally mandated reporters working with the Florida Guardian Ad Litem especially the lawyers advocating for children in the Florida Judicial System. The training will provide a brief overview of the Florida Child Welfare System. In this training we will identify and discuss potential signs of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. This training will assist professionals who report concerns on a consistent basis understand why their concerns were not accepted for investigation.
Guest Speakers:
Dolores King, CPM - Founder / CEO King Professional Development & Consulting LLC
Original Webinar Date: June 3, 2021
For those with the Guardian ad Litem Program, this 1 hour course does apply towards in-service hours. Please select training topic "Staff Development" and specify the title of the training "Why Wasn't My Report Accepted?" and a summary of the topic when inputting into Optima.
Dolores King
Why Wasn't My Report Accepted?
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