Please join Guardian ad Litem CHAMPIONS Rayla James and Carol Lynn Newton as they discuss how supportive adults can keep a focus on the importance of sibling relationships and have a better understanding of the dynamics of sibling relationships for our children and youth in foster care. 

Moderator & Guest Presenters: 

Rayla James - CHAMPION, Young Adult Coordinator, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office

Carol Lynn Newton - CHAMPION, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office

Paul Nigro - Director of Education and Development / Regional Director, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office

Original webinar date:  June 12, 2024

Training Specialists

Statewide Guardian ad Litem Training Team

For any questions on this material please contact us at [email protected] . Thank you!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Understanding the Impact of Sibling Dynamics and Placement Changes for Foster Children

    • Overview

    • Video Presentation

    • QUIZ: Youth Voice