Discipline for Students with Disabilities
November 2018 (2 CLEs available through 05/31/20)
This webinar is focused on advocating for students with discipline issues.
A massive school shooting on February 14, 2018 occurred at Parkland High School in Parkland, Florida which involved seventeen deaths. This shooting changed how school discipline in Florida is now handled.
Dr. Katie Kelly, M.ED., PH.D., ESQ., addresses this difficult topic and provides several resources available for advocates to utilize.
Objectives from this course include:
•Define what is meant by the term “school discipline.”
•Describe why school suspensions can occur and how they are addressed for students with disabilities
•Understand when a Manifestation Determination Meeting is necessary and what occurs at the meeting
•Discuss the provisions of the recently passed Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act
2 CLE Credits Available
1.5 In-Service Hours Available
Select "Educational Advocacy" for Optima
Dr. Katie Kelly
Protecting Students with Disabilities in a Post-Parkland Florida
Educational Advocacy / School Discipline Handouts