Please join Guardian ad Litem CHAMPIONS Rayla James and Natalee Fowler as they share their insights into the world of post-secondary education from the standpoint of today's youth, and offering supports and strategies for Guardians ad Litem who are helping their youth navigate the decision to pursue further education and career goals.

Moderator & Guest Presenters: 

Rayla James - CHAMPION, Young Adult Coordinator, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office

Natalee Fowler - CHAMPION, Child Advocate Manager, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office, Circuit 17

Paul Nigro - Director of Education and Development / Regional Director, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office

Original webinar date:  April 10, 2024

Training Specialists

Statewide Guardian ad Litem Training Team

For any questions on this material please contact us at [email protected] . Thank you!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Helping Youth in Foster Care Navigate Post-secondary Education Goals

    • Overview

    • Video Presentation

    • QUIZ: Youth Voice