Advanced Advocacy in Education
May 2019 (1 CLE available through 11/30/20)
What do kids do for 30% of their day… go to school.
Advanced Advocacy in Education is something every practitioner needs to know. This course describes the Federal and State laws regarding education and advocacy therein. After completing this course, the practitioners will be able to distinguish between RTI, IFSP, IEP, and other accommodations that are available to our students.
A practitioner will also be able to find ways to advocate for their child both in and out of the classroom. One way to break the cycle of abuse is through education. Though this course, the practitioner will have tools to break that cycle.
Guest Speaker:
Matt Bachman, B.C.S.
Board Certified in Juvenile Law and a Senior Child’s Best Interest Attorney in the 13th GAL Program Office
1 CLE Credit Available
1 In-Service Hour Available
Select "Legal Issues" for Optima
Statewide Guardian ad Litem Training Team
Advanced Advocacy in Education (AUDIO)